Insync dance quincy
Insync dance quincy


I was blown away-every single piece I watched was professional grade. There was then a brief intermission, in which I realized that the only actual professional piece we had seen that night was the Act I closer. The dancers started off in all black, then periodically went in and out of the wings to reveal a colorful top when they returned on stage. It had a huge amount of energy, and truly captured the eye. Then, to close out the first act, 19 dancers entered the stage to perform Burns, choreographed professionally by Rosario Guillen.f It was the first time the dance had been presented to an audience. The two were so in sync, and it was clear that there was a real connection between the dancers, the song, the choreography, and then even the audience. Next up was a duet between Natalie Petersen and Skye Sullivan titled Evolution. It was passionate and very well-executed. The dance centered around the 4 dancers performing individually or in pairs, then coming back together to create a unified piece. Next, 4 dancers entered the stage all dressed in blue to perform Reflection of You choreographed by Ryan Southworth. There were intense displays of emotion that made the piece all the more heartfelt. It was a breathtaking piece of art, with clear elements of ballet incorporated. Once the 4 exited the stage, Isa Schuerman entered and performed a solo piece titled Growing Love to Would That I by Hozier. I had never seen any dance performed to something that wasn’t only music before! It displayed impressive storytelling skills with a unique team effort, even though there were only 4 dancers on the stage. It was a dance to a poem with light piano playing in the background. It was a fiery, energetic piece that was a treat to watch! Afterwards was It’s Getting Bad Again, choreographed by Samantha Sergel. Next was Vivendo Agora by Isabella Jobes. The performers danced with grace and precision, and it was a great opening act. The night started off with Fire of Devotion, choreographed by Rachel Berger. The show was a beautiful display of true skill, emotion, and teamwork. At first I wasn’t sure if attending the Guys and Dolls show would fit into my schedule, but I am so glad that it did.

Insync dance quincy